New books received this week
Oxford handbook of clinical dentistry / Laura Mitchell 5th ed, Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.
The new edition of this pocket guide covers the whole of clinical dentistry in a concise format. It has been completely revised with a wealth of new information including web-based learning and useful websites, more diagrams and full color clinical pictures.Dental computing and applications: advanced techniques for clinical dentistry / edited by Andriani Daskalaki Hershey, PA : Medical Information Science Reference, c2009.
Presents current ideas in the analysis of dental data for postgraduate students and advanced researchers, and provides an overview on searching for evidence-based information on the web. Covers software support in clinical dentistry and dental biomaterials.The ECG made easy / John R. Hampton 7th ed, Edinburgh ; New York : Churchill Livingstone, 2008.
A simple, readable guide to the accurate identification and interpretation of abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns, written for medical students, nurses and junior doctors. The emphasis throughout is on the straightforward practical application of the ECG.Health psychology / Shelley E. Taylor. 7th ed, New York : McGraw-Hill Higher Education ; London : McGraw-Hill [distributor], 2008.
Offering a balanced perspective, this text incorporates the latest research findings and statistics. It provides explanations of biological, psychological and social factors in health issues, reinforced with case studies.