New books received this week
Endodontic microsurgery / Enrique M. Merino. London ; Chicago : Quintessence Pub., c2009.
This step-by-step approach to endodontic microsurgery guides the reader through each phase of treatment: anesthesia, flap design and execution, osteotomy window creation, curettage, hemostasis, apicoectomy, ultrasonic retrocavity preparation, drying, obturation, and suturing.Statistical and methodological aspects of oral health research / edited by Emmanuel Lesaffre. Oxford : Wiley, c2009.
Presenting both an introduction to research methodology and an exposition of the latest advances in oral health research, this book will appeal to both beginners and experienced oral health researchers as well as biostatisticians and epidemiologists.Sedation: a guide to patient management. / Stanley F. Malamed. 5th ed. St. Louis, Mo. : Mosby Elsevier, c2010.
Content on patient management for pediatric, geriatric, physically compromised, and medically compromised patients helps you successfully treat any patient population. In-depth discussions of the pharmacology of commonly used sedative agents allow you to fully understand properties and characteristics of drugs used.Oral health of health cardholders attending for dental care in the private and public sectors / D.S. Brennan. Canberra : Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2009.
Also available in full text, see