New DVD and books received this week
Tooth morphology (DVD) / David Whittaker. Cardiff : Media Resources Centre, Cardiff University, 1985.
Description: Copies of the 5 tooth morphology VHS videos in our Special Reserve on one DVD. Table of contents: Part 1: Introduction & Terminology. Part 2: Incisors & Canines. Part 3: Pre-molars. Part 4: Molars. Part 5: Deciduous Teeth.Procedures manual to accompany Dental hygiene, theory and practice / Michele Leonardi Darby, Margaret M. Walsh. St. Louis, Mo. : Saunders/Elsevier, c2010.
Description: The procedures manual reinforces your knowledge and helps you perform clinical procedures with ease and accuracy. It contains step-by-step descriptions with information about the materials and equipment necessary to carry out the procedures. Use it as a quick reference.Gray's anatomy for students / Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl, Adam W.M. Mitchell. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA : Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, c2010.
Description: This textbook is used by medical and dental students in PBL programs around the world. It will be particularly useful to students when lectures and labs in gross anatomy are minimal.