New books, DVDs & CDs
Chambers classical roots for medics /edited by Katie Brooks. Edinburgh : Chambers, c2007.
Description: An excellent resource for students with non-science background who must become acquainted with an immense vocabulary of medical terms, most of which are compounds of a small number of Greek and Latin ‘roots’. A clinical guide to complete denture prosthetics /by J Fraser McCord, Alan A. Grant. London : British Dental Association, c2000.
Description: A highly readable book, which is not intended to replace a standard textbook on prosthetics but to serve as a chair-side guide or aide-memoire of clinical procedures for the clinician with an interest in complete denture therapy.Electronic atlas of human occlusion & the TMJ (DVD) /produced by eHuman Digital Anatomy, Brown & Herbranson Imaging in association with Loma Linda University. [Portula Valley, CA] : Brown & Herbranson c2008.
Description: This innovative learning software combines exceptionally high-quality computer models and illustrations derived from real anatomy. Its interactive 3-D models vastly improve comprehension and retention of dentistry’s complex spatial structures and concepts.Right & wrong: how to decide for yourself. (Audio book) / Hugh Mackay; read by Bud Tingwell. [Melbourne] : Bolinda Audio Books, 2005.
Description: In this updated edition, renowned psychologist and social researcher Hugh Mackay examines the issues that confront us in contemporary Australia and explains why making the right moral choices is the right thing to do. Blackwell complementary and alternative medicine: fast facts for medical practice. /edited by Mary A. Herring, Molly M. Roberts. Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Science, c2002.
Description: Handy pocket guide offering ready access to accurate information on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. While this book is designed to assist physicians to be able to answer patient's questions, patients who want an alternative to biomedical traditions can access this information directly.