Thursday, 29 January 2009

Database on trial

The following database is currently on trial at the University of Sydney Library.

Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection - Trial ends 27th of February, 2009. You will need to login with your UniKey to obtain a password.

The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection contains over 900 online audio-visual seminar style talks, each especially commissioned from leading world experts. It is of interest across many disciplines and will appeal to researchers, lecturers, graduate students and advanced undergraduates in biomedical and life sciences.

The resource is organised into comprehensive animated audiovisual presentations and is regularly expanded and updated. To find talks matching your interests browse the series or use the search facility. A keyword search for 'dental' finds dental anatomy, dental implants, dental simulator, and dental stem cells.

Please try it out and let us know what you think using the Database Evaluation Form