Thursday, 29 January 2009

Database on trial

The following database is currently on trial at the University of Sydney Library.

Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection - Trial ends 27th of February, 2009. You will need to login with your UniKey to obtain a password.

The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection contains over 900 online audio-visual seminar style talks, each especially commissioned from leading world experts. It is of interest across many disciplines and will appeal to researchers, lecturers, graduate students and advanced undergraduates in biomedical and life sciences.

The resource is organised into comprehensive animated audiovisual presentations and is regularly expanded and updated. To find talks matching your interests browse the series or use the search facility. A keyword search for 'dental' finds dental anatomy, dental implants, dental simulator, and dental stem cells.

Please try it out and let us know what you think using the Database Evaluation Form

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Free online resource for educators and students

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) launched a free online science education resource for university faculty and students called Scitable. It is a free online resource for undergraduate educators and students. It’s built on a foundation of evidence-based, faculty-reviewed scientific overviews of key concepts compiled by the editorial staff of NPG. The first Scitable module is devoted to the study of genetics. Content is linked to cutting edge research published by other NPG publications, giving undergraduate students access to real-world scientific inquiry and experimentation.

Free online course in ethical aspects of human research

The US National Cancer Institute, and possibly the broader NIH now require all recipients of research grants to provide evidence that they have completed a "course" in ethical aspects of human research. Their free in-house course called Protecting Human Research Participants can be done on-line and will get you a certificate. This may come in handy for some researchers.

Friday, 23 January 2009

New books received this week

A synopsis of regional anatomy. / Colin Hinrichsen. Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific Pub., c2008.

Description: This textbook offers concise and essential knowledge on the human anatomy. Unlike other textbooks on anatomy, this book is arranged in regions rather than in systems.As such, it is more consistent with the prevailing approaches to clinical examination and regional surgery.

Developmental neuropathology. / edited by: Jeffrey A. Golden, Brian N. Harding. Basel : International Society of Neuropathology, c2004.

Description: This book presents for the first time a dual approach to the wide range of disorders which affect the developing brain in pre- and post-natal life, stressing the genetic and molecular mechanisms.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Answering clinical questions in practice

David Tovey, newly appointed Editor in Chief of the Cochrane Library will speak at Grand Rounds at the Children's Hospital at Westmead on "Answering clinical questions in practice"

Where: Lorimer Dods Lecture Theatre, Children's Hospital at Westmead

When: Thursday 5th February 1-2pm.

David Tovey qualified in Medicine from Bristol University in the UK. He was a GP in an urban practice in South London for 14 years, and combined this with work in continuing medical education. In 2003 he left general practice and moved to the BMJ, where he became Deputy Editor, then Editor of Clinical Evidence. For the last two years he has been Editorial Director of the BMJ Evidence Centre, with responsibility for Clinical Evidence, its sister product BestTreatments aimed at the public, and the development of both the new BMJ Point of Care online product, and order entry sets in association with the Cerner Corporation. He was appointed as Editor in Chief of the Cochrane Library in late 2008, and started work for the Collaboration in January 2009.

Monday, 19 January 2009

New e-book

Encyclopedia of neuroscience. / edited by Marc D. Binder [et al.]. New York : Springer Online, 2008.

This user-friendly reference tool will be indispensable to basic and clinical scientists, students and practitioners.

You can now access it 24/7 from virtually anywhere with your UniKey. Or if you are on campus, just click on the link in the catalogue.

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Books received this week

Primary preventive dentistry edited by Norman O. Harris (et al). 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson, c2009.

Description: This textbook focuses on the clinical application of primary preventive dentistry procedures to control plaque diseases. A good book on dental hygiene for both oral health and dentistry students as well as dentists.

The Herbst appliance : research-based clinical management. / Hans Pancherz, Sabine Ruf. Berlin ; London : Quintessence Pub. Co., c2008.

Description: This book is based on more than 30 years of scientific and clinical work with the Herbst appliance in the therapy of Class II malocclusions. It also addresses the possible harmful effects of the Herbst appliance on the temporomandibular joint, the anchorage teeth, and the tooth-supporting hard and soft tissue structures.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Could alcohol-containing mouthwashes contribute to the increased risk of oral cancer?

MJ McCullough, CS Farah.The role of alcohol in oral carcinogenesis with particular reference to alcohol-containing mouthwashes. Australian Dental Journal 2008 Dec;53(4):302-5.

Worldwide, oral cancer represents approximately 5 per cent of all malignant lesions, with over 800 new intra-oral squamous cell carcinomas registered in Australia each year. Despite recent advances in therapy, the five-year survival rate remains around 50 per cent and the sequelae of treatment can be seriously debilitating. It has been long established that smoking and alcohol consumption are risk factors linked to the development of oral cancer. This review assesses the epidemiological evidence, supportive in vitro studies and mechanism by which alcohol is involved in the development of oral cancer. Further, we review the literature that associates alcohol-containing mouthwashes and oral cancer. On the basis of this review, we believe that there is now sufficient evidence to accept the proposition that alcohol-containing mouthwashes contribute to the increased risk of development of oral cancer and further feel that it is inadvisable for oral healthcare professionals to recommend the long-term use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes.

Source: Wiley Interscience acessed on 11 January 2009

At the time of this posting full text access to the December 2008 issue is not available to us. You can read this article in the Library or if you are at Westmead, please submit an online document delivery request

Thursday, 8 January 2009

New books received this week

Dentist's guide to medical conditions and complications / Kanchan M. Ganda. Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008.

Description: Covering a variety of common conditions, the book's practical format will help dentists, dental students and dental hygienists update their skills for treating medically compromised patients.

Mini-implants in orthodontics: innovative anchorage concepts. / edited by: Björn Ludwig (et al). London ; Chicago : Quintessence Pub. Co., c2008.

Description: This publication is a practical illustrated handbook for the clinical use of orthodontic implants. It provides an extensive, authoritative and eminently practical survey of orthodontic implantology.

Local anaesthesia in dentistry. / J.A. Baart, H.S. Brand (editors) ; translated by Joanne Orton, Henk Brand and Jacques Baart. Oxford ; Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Description: A practical guide to this essential area of dentistry originally published in Dutch. It provides clear guidance to the administration of local anaesthesia, introduces students to the concept of nerve conduction and pain, and explains the anatomy of the trigeminal nerve.

Monday, 5 January 2009

New Publications by Faculty of Dentistry Staff and Students, December 2008.

The following papers have been added to PubMed in the last 30 days:

Zou W, Gao J, Jones AS, Hunter N, Swain MV.Characterization of a novel calibration method for mineral density determination of dentine by X-ray micro-tomography. Analyst 2009 Jan;134(1):72-9.

Bhutada MK, Phanachet I, Whittle T, Peck CC, Murray GM. Regional properties of the superior head of human lateral pterygoid muscle. European journal of oral sciences 2008 Dec;116(6):518-24.