7 new books and 1 DVD received this week
Practice dentistry pain-free : evidence-based strategies to prevent pain and extend your career. / Bethany Valachi. Portland, OR : Posturedontics Press, 2008.
Description: This book bridges the gap between dental ergonomics and work-related pain. Discover how your job and equipment are affecting your health and implement strategies to prevent pain and injuries in your surgery. Clinical aspects of dental materials: theory, practice, and cases. / Marcia Gladwin, Michael Bagby. 3rd ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2009.
Description: This book is written for dental hygiene students, but it would also make an excellent undergraduate dental text. It is organized by dental application and includes laboratory exercises at the end. Ingle's endodontics 6. / edited by John I. Ingle, Leif K. Bakland, J. Craig Baumgartner. 6th ed. Hamilton, Ont. : BC Decker ; Maidenhead : McGraw-Hill Education, c2008.
Description: This textbook has been known as the "Bible of Endodontics" for over 40 years. It is a core textbook for both endodontists and dentistry students. It is also available to you 24/7 as an e-book
Illustrated notebook: principles of anatomy and physiology. /Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan Derrickson. 12th ed. Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2009.
Description: An effective tool for organized note taking in class and review. Contains all images and illustrations from the 12th edition of Principles of Anatomy and Physiology by Tortora and Derrickson. Images are grayscale with ample space for annotating and note taking. A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of fluoridation / Australian Government, National Health and Medical Research Council. Canberra : National Health and Medical Research Council, c2007.
Description: This review is also available in full text on the NH&MRC website. NSW oral health strategic directions 2005 - 2010 / Centre for Oral Health Strategy, New South Wales. North Sydney, N.S.W.: Centre for Oral Health Strategy, 2008.
Description: This document is also available in full text on the NSW Health website. NSW oral health implementation plan 2005 - 2010 / Centre for Oral Health Strategy, New South Wales. North Sydney, N.S.W.: Centre for Oral Health Strategy, 2008.
Description: This document is also available in full text on the NSW Health website. Open wide: oral health in the bush / Rural Health Education Foundation. Curtin, ACT : RHEF, c2008.
Description: This DVD explores the special circumstances faced by people living in rural and remote areas, where the dental workforce shortage is particularly acute. It highlights the need for expanded primary health care services, including preventive approaches and broad-based oral health promotion activities.