New books added to our collection
Four new books were received last week at the Dentistry Library:Oral surgery / edited by Fragiskos D. Fragiskos. 1st ed. New York : Springer, 2007.
Description: This beautifully illustrated book is a step-by-step guide to minor surgical techniques. It is ideal for students and professionals because basic surgical techniques are visually represented in an organized and reader-friendly way. It is a great addition to more comprehensive reference books in oral surgery. Esthetic rehabilitation in fixed prosthodontics. Volume 2. Prosthetic treatment: A systematic approach to esthetic, biologic, and functional integration. / Mauro Fradeani. Chicago, Ill : Quintessence Pub., 2008.
Description: This work presents the procedural phases required to achieve optimal results in the aesthetic rehabilitation of patients in need of fixed prostheses.Fundamental immunology / edited by William E. Paul. 6th ed. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, c2008.
Description: This is a textbook intended to provide dentistry and medical students with a comprehensive and working understanding of the fundamentals of immunology. All illustrations in in full colour and the book has comprehensive lists of references.A perspective of periodontal systemic relationships for the Asian Pacific region / edited by P. Mark Bartold (et al). Adelaide, S. Aust. : Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology, c2008.
Description: Proceedings of the 7th Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology Meeting in Beijing, China on 21 September 2007.