Friday, 14 August 2015

Four new books

Dental caries: the disease and its clinical management./ Ole Fejerskov (ed). 3rd ed, Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, 2015.

In this highly-anticipated new edition, the editors maintain the same focus on high-level coverage of the disease aetiology and process, clinical management best-practice, and wider public health issues connected with dental caries management, including an enhanced focus on the ‘caries control concept’. The aim is to link theory with clinical performance, making prevention, diagnosis and restorative procedures evidence based.

ITI Treatment Guide Vol.8 Biological and hardware complications in implant dentistry. / U. Bragger. Berlin: Quintessence, 2015.

Volume 8 provides clinicians with the latest evidence-based information on the origins and treatment of biological as well as hardware complications. Sixteen step-by-step clinical cases presented by experienced clinicicians from all over the world illustrate the diagnosis and treatment of complications.

Mini-implants: the orthodontics of the future. / Skander Ellouze. London: Quintessence International, 2014.

With this volume, the authors have provided one of the greatest and most comprehensive contributions to this clinical research endeavour, representing a great stride forward in orthodontics. This textbook which contains biologic and histologic considerations, surgical procedures, biomechanical considerations, and treatment planning using micro-implants, will prove to be exceedingly useful for clinicians.

Principles and practice of esthetic dentistry Vol.1 Essentials of esthetic dentistry / Nairn H.F. Wilson (ed). Edinburgh: Elsevier, 2015.

This volume is suitable for all dental practitioners whether qualified or in training. It provides an important foundation on which to practice effective, minimal intervention esthetic dentistry, explains how to carry out comprehensive examination and assessment of patients seeking esthetic dental care, and explores the ethical considerations surrounding treatment intervention and the safe and effective use of modern dental materials and techniques