Monday, 26 November 2012

Interesting new e-books on orthodontics, dental nursing, and patients with developmental disorders

Clinical cases in orthodontics / Martyn T. Cobourne (et al.) Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

This book applies both theory and practice to real-life orthodontic cases in a clinically relevant format. This unique approach supports the new trend in case-based and problem-based learning, thoroughly covering topics ranging from Class I malocclusions to orthognathic surgery.

Questions and Answers for Dental Nurses / Carole Hollins 3rd ed., Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

This 3rd edition includes both standard Multiple Choice Questions and the new style Extended Matching Questions with helpful explanatory information on responses. As a self-assessment tool this revision guide is a must-have for all trainee dental nurses for independent revision and preparing for examinations.

Treating the dental patient with a developmental disorder / Karen A. Raposa (ed). Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

The book opens with an overview of the major types of developmental disabilities-autism spectrum disorders, Down Syndrome, attention deficit, cerebral palsy-and others such as spina bifida and learning difficulties. Following chapters also discuss how to gather personal information, medical histories, dental experiences, and oral habits; determine family dynamics; and understand how to communicate with patients and model desired patient behavior.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Master Dentistry series in full text

Master dentistry, Volume 1: Oral and maxillofacial surgery, radiology, pathology and oral medicine. / Paul Coulthard (et al.) 2nd ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2008

This book is designed as a revision guide for dental students and offers the "curriculum essentials" in an easy-to-digest format. Each section is fully illustrated throughout and is supported by extensive self-assessment questions which allow the reader to assess their own knowledge of the topic and perfect their exam techniques.

Master dentistry, Volume 2: Restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry and orthodontics. / Peter Heasman (ed) 2nd ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, 2008.

Now in colour, this second edition addresses the restorative, paediatric and orthodontics aspects of dentistry and is perfect for both undergraduate students and post-graduates preparing for the MFDS or international equivalents.

Master dentistry, Volume 3: Oral biology. / Barry K.B. Berkovitz (et al). 3rd ed., Edinburgh ; New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2011.

A new volume in the successful revision guide series - Master Dentistry - which offers a concise text covering the essentials of oral biology with accompanying self-assessment questions and model answers. Quick reference revision aid for dental students - ideal for exam preparation.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Recently purchased e-books

Atlas of human anatomy / Frank H. Netter. 5th ed., Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders/Elsevier, 2011.

Atlas of Human Anatomy uses Frank H. Netter, MD's detailed illustrations to demystify this often intimidating subject, providing a coherent, lasting visual vocabulary for understanding anatomy and how it applies to medicine. This 5th Edition features a stronger clinical focus-with new diagnostic imaging examples-making it easier to correlate anatomy with practice.

Oxford handbook of dental nursing / Elizabeth Boon (ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

The Oxford Handbook of Dental Nursing enables users to find relevant information quickly, and will support dental nurses in their everyday work and provide easy access to information they may require in clinical sessions. The book will also be valuable to dental surgeons, tutors, and assessors to facilitate the learning and development of their students.

Periodontal disease / Denis F. Kinane. Basel: Karger, 2012.

Our understanding of the etiopathology of periodontal disease has changed greatly over the last decade. The huge diversity of species within the microbial biofilm and the enormous multi-layered complexity of the innate, inflammatory and adaptive immune responses generated in response to it warrant study and discussion. Comprising reviews from renowned experts in the field, this book presents a comprehensible overview of this exciting and pertinent subject matter.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

New e-books

Anatomy for dental students / D.R. Johnson and W.J. Moore. 3rd ed., Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1997.

This book aims to provide the dental student with a description of all the gross, neurological, and developmental anatomy (apart from that of the dentition itself) necessary for the practice of dentistry and its major specialties.

Atlas of oral and maxillofacial histopathology / Harry S. Lumerman. Philadelphia, Pa.; London: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.

The Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Histopathology is a quick, user-friendly diagnostic reference text on Oral and Maxillofacial Histopathology for general pathologists, dermatopathologists, and ENT pathologists regarding oral and maxillofacial disorders.

The dentist's role in the management of the cancer patient: clinician's guide. / Hupp, Wendy S. Edmonds, WA: American Academy of Oral Medicine, 2011.

This monograph is a current and concise guide to the dentist’s role in the managment of the cancer patient. This guide was written for clinicians in a ready-to-use-format to serve as a quick reference.

Periodontal disease / Denis F. Kinane. Basel: Karger, 2012.

Our understanding of the etiopathology of periodontal disease has changed greatly over the last decade. The huge diversity of species within the microbial biofilm and the enormous multi-layered complexity of the innate, inflammatory and adaptive immune responses generated in response to it warrant study and discussion. Comprising reviews from renowned experts in the field, this book presents a comprehensible overview of this exciting and pertinent subject matter.

Monday, 29 October 2012

New books received this week

Success strategies for the aesthetic dental practice / Linda Greenwall. London; Chicago: Quintessence Publishing, 2012.

While aesthetic care has been a part of dentistry for many decades, very few practices are doing as much aesthetic dentistry as they desire. The purpose of this book is to provide dentists with the guidelines and strategies to make that happen.

Ridge preservation & immediate implantation / Devorah Schwartz-Arad. London ; Chicago: Quintessence Publishing, 2012.

This book reflects far more than the surgical and teaching skills of one person. It organizes the totality of what a practitioner should understand and master, to achieve an elegant level of the clinical practice of implant dentistry.

Human physiology: an integrated approach / Dee Unglaub Silverthorn. 6th ed., Boston: Pearson Education, 2013.

Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach broke ground with its thorough coverage of molecular physiology seamlessly integrated into a traditional homeostasis-based systems approach. The new edition presents up-to-date coverage of new scientific discoveries, biotechnology techniques, and treatments of disorders.

Monday, 22 October 2012

New books received this week

Treatment planning for traumatized teeth / Mitsuhiro Tsukiboshi. 2nd ed., Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Pub. Co., 2012.

This new edition emphasizes a minimally invasive approach to treating dental traumas in which procedures are aimed at assisting the natural healing process of the dental hard tissues, pulp, periodontal ligament, and alveolar bone; where possible, invasive restoration, pulpectomy, and extraction are avoided.

Advanced immediate loading / Georgios E. Romanos. Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Pub. Co., 2012.

This expert guide presents the research and stateof-the-art protocols for advanced immediate loading of dental implants. Based on more than 15 years of clinical experience, the author demonstrates the skills and expert techniques necessary to achieve long-term success with immediate loading protocols, even when used with challenging clinical situations.

Zygomatic implants: the anatomy-guided approach. / Carlos Aparicio (ed). London: Quintessence, 2012.

Zygomatic implants have been in use for more than two decades, and clinical follow-up studies have shown good outcomes. However, this treatment approach is only now seeing a strong resurgence of interest because it can provide patients with a fixed dentition in a short amount of time without any grafts, general anesthesia, or morbidity from a donor site, even in challenging clinical situations.

Monday, 15 October 2012

New books received this week

Peri-implantitis / Stefan Renvert. Paris: Quintessence Publishing, 2012.

Awareness of the important role that peri-implant tissue health plays in implant survival is growing, in part because clinical studies that assess long-term results of implant treatment show that peri-implantitis is no longer a rare complication. This book positions peri-implantology as an emerging discipline and provides a comprehensive discourse on the etiology, clinical features, and diagnosis of peri-implantitis and implant mucositis.

Comprehensive preventive dentistry / Hardy Limeback (ed). Ames, Iowa: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

Comprehensive Preventive Dentistry provides one user-friendly resource that brings together information on the scientific basis and clinical practice of all aspects of preventive dentistry. This thorough and all-encompassing resource offers techniques and strategies for maintaining excellent oral health in patients through a regimen of preventive measures.

Basic guide to anatomy and physiology for dental care professionals / Carole Hollins. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, 2012.

The Basic Guide to Anatomy and Physiology for Dental Care Professionals introduces the fundamentals of human anatomy and physiology to the student Dental Care Professional. Written in a clear, accessible style, it provides dental nurses, hygienists, therapists and clinical dental technicians with essential grounding in the head and neck area, as well as all the body systems that have implications for the DCP when things go wrong.

Book of remembrance of the University of Sydney in the War of 1939-1945 / D.R.V. Wood. Sydney: University of Sydney, 1993.

"This book is a record of the 287 members of the University who died in the Second World War. It is also an important extension of the University's history, in that it documents their part in Australia's committment to the defence of the free world agains totalitarianism." (Dame Leonie Kramer)

Thursday, 4 October 2012

New books received this week

Contemporary orthodontics / William R. Proffit. 5th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby, 2013.

This new edition includes detailed information on diagnosis, treatment planning concepts, related problems or controversies, and current treatment procedures, including the role of orthodontics in comprehensive treatment of patients with multiple problems.

Bisphosphonates and osteonecrosis of the jaw: a multidisciplinary approach. / Francesco Saverio De Ponte (ed). Milan ; New York: Springer, 2012.

The aim of this volume is to offer an update on the current status of prevention, and on the current conservative and surgical treatments. The multidisciplinary approach will be very much appreciated by GP’s, the different specialists using bisphosphonates and by dental surgeons.

Dental assisting: a comprehensive approach / Donna J. Phinney. 4th ed., Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2013.

As a dental assistant, you will be expected to take on an increasing number of clinical and administrative responsibilities to stay competitive. The new edition delivers inclusive coverage of the basic and advanced clinical skills you need to master.

Management of complications in oral and maxillofacial surgery / Michael Miloro (ed). Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

A comprehensive reference that covers the minor and major complications which may occur in all facets of oral maxillofacial surgery. Each chapter covers the potential complications encountered during the routine practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery, from the most commonly encountered complications to those less frequent and more complex ones.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

New books received this week

Therapeutic guidelines: oral and dental. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines, 2012.

All chapters in the 2nd ed have been extensively reviewed and updated by an expert writing group to provide concise evidence-based advice for the busy practitioner. The book has been restructured so chapters pertaining to disease management are listed first. The importance of active dental treatment in the management of dental conditions is underscored throughout the guidelines.

An introduction to systematic reviews / David Gough (ed). London: SAGE, 2012.

The content is divided into sections covering: approaches to reviewing; getting started; gathering and describing research; appraising and synthesizing data; and making use of reviews and models of research use. As systematic reviews become included in many more graduate-level courses this book answers the growing demand for a user-friendly guide.

Emergency guide for dental auxiliaries / Debra Jennings. 4th ed, Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2012.

This new edition contains the information and instruction needed in order to effectively handle a medical emergency in the dental office. In addition to basic technical instruction, it provides up-to-date information on First Aid techniques, legal concerns, and safety procedures.

Oral pharmacology for the dental hygienist / Mea A. Weinberg. 2nd ed, Boston: Pearson, 2013.

This book ffers a comprehensive review of the principles of pharmacology and their application to dental hygiene practice. This practical textbook covers many oral manifestations of drugs of which the dental hygiene student should be aware.

Sturdevant's art and science of operative dentistry / Harald O. Heymann (ed). 6th ed, St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby, 2013.

Using a detailed, heavily illustrated, step-by-step approach, this comprehensive guide helps you master the fundamentals and procedures of restorative and preventive dentistry and learn to make informed decisions to solve patient needs.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Local anesthesia DVD and new books

Craig's restorative dental materials / Ronald L. Sakaguchi (ed). 13th ed, Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Mosby, 2012.

From fundamental concepts to advanced skills, this comprehensive text details everything you need to know to understand the scientific basis for selecting dental materials when designing and fabricating restorations.

Malamed's local anesthesia administration DVD / Stanley F. Malamed. 2nd ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby, 2013.

Malamed's Local Anesthesia Administration DVD, 2nd Edition brings key anesthesia concepts and procedures to life. Combining high-quality video and animation, this 3-DVD set allows you to see local anesthetic agents, injection techniques, potential complications, and risk management strategies in action.

Dental terminology / Charline M. Dofka. 3rd ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning, 2013.

This book takes a word-building approach to help dental assistants understand and remember dental terminology better than ever before. It is not a strict dictionary of dental terms, but rather a word bank with pronunciation guides and definitions applied to practice areas, it's the resource that dental professionals can use for years to come.

Oral precancer: diagnosis and management of potentially malignant disorders / Peter Thomson (ed). Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

Written and edited by prominent researchers in the field, Oral Precancer furnishes its readers with a balanced approach to this highly topical subject and delivers a concise summary of the current understanding of the nature and behaviour of potentially malignant oral disorders.

Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients: complete dentures and implant-supported prostheses. / George Zarb (ed). 13th ed, St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Mosby, 2013.

Covering the functional and esthetic needs of edentulous patients, the 13th edition helps you provide complete dentures, with and without dental implant support. It addresses both the behavioral and clinical aspects of diagnosis and treatment and covers treatment modalities including osseointegration, overdentures, implant-supported fixed prosthesis, and the current and future directions of implant prosthodontics.

Monday, 10 September 2012

New e-books

Implant site development / Michael Sonick. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

This book helps the clinician decide if, when, and how to create a ridge site amenable to implantation. This practical book offers solutions to many implant site preservation scenarios, discussing different treatment options, timing, a variety of materials and techniques, and their application to the clinical practice.

PDQ endodontics / John I. Ingle. 2nd ed., Shelton, CT: People's Medical Publishing House, 2009.

PDQ Endodontics 2nd ed is a revised, abridged version of the full text, Endodontics, Sixth Edition. This concise text covers diagnosis and treatment procedures. Specific sections of the text thoroughly address the access, cleaning and shaping, and the filling of the root canal system.

Handbook of local anesthesia / Stanley F. Malamed. 5th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby, 2004.

Offering comprehensive coverage of a wide range of topics, this practical "how to" manual explores and teaches methods that enhance good local anesthesia practices, while alerting readers to specific hazards and errors in technique that may result in complications.

Clinical cases in pediatric dentistry / Amr M. Moursi (ed) Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

Highly illustrated in full color, Clinical Cases in Pediatric Dentistry's format fosters independent learning and prepares the reader for case-based examinations.The book presents actual clinical cases, accompanied by academic commentary, that question and educate the reader about essential topics in pediatric dentistry.

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Core textbooks now available in full text

The anatomical basis of dentistry / Bernard Liebgott. 3rd ed., Maryland Heights, Mo: Mosby, 2011.

Complete, accurate coverage highlights the regions of the head and neck that are of clinical relevance. Core information provides a foundation of knowledge essential to providing a successful chairside experience for both you and the patient.

Carranza's clinical periodontology / Michael G. Newman (ed). 11th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier Saunders, 2012.

This core text provides access to basic procedures as well as the latest in advanced procedures and techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy. Not only does this book show how to do periodontal procedures, it describes how to best manage the outcomes and explains the evidence supporting each treatment.

Clinical problem solving in dentistry / Edward W. Odell (ed). 3rd ed., Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2010.

Containing over 350 high-quality photographs, line artworks and tables, this book is written in an easy-to read 'how to' style and contains a large number of real life clinical cases carefully presented to maximise learning outcomes for the reader.

Endodontics: principles and practice / Mahmoud Torabinejad. 4th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Saunders Elsevier, 2009.

This textbook is an essential scientific and clinical building block for understanding the etiology and treatment of teeth with pulpal and periapical diseases. You'll easily understand and learn procedures through step-by-step explanations accompanied by full-color illustrations, as well as video clips.

Friday, 31 August 2012

New books received this week

Plastic-esthetic periodontal and implant surgery: a microsurgical approach. / Otto Zuhr. London: Quintessence, 2012.

In this stunning book, the authors blend scientific knowledge and practical experience to provide a comprehensive overview of the principles, indications, and clinical techniques of plastic-esthetic periodontal and implant microsurgery, focusing especially on minimal soft tissue trauma and maximally perfect wound closure.

Clinical practice of the dental hygienist / Esther M. Wilkins (ed). 11th ed., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.

Written by one of the preeminent voices in dental hygiene education, this text provides students and practitioners with the knowledge and skills for successful practice as a dental hygienist. This comprehensive book progresses through crucial topics in dental hygiene in a straightforward, outline format, making information easy to locate, understand, and reference.

Clinical aspects of dental materials: theory, practice, and cases / Marcia Gladwin. 4th ed., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.

Written by a dental hygiene educator and biomaterial scientist, this text is designed for dental hygiene/dental assisting students and clinicians. The text is divided into two sections, Fundamental Perspectives and Laboratory/Clinical Applications , and provides a realistic and practical approach to the use of dental materials.

Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion / Jeffrey P. Okeson. 7th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby, 2013.

Covering both new and proven techniques in this rapidly changing field, this classic text helps you provide solutions to many common occlusal and TMD problems. Clear descriptions and a new full-color design promote a complete understanding of normal, abnormal, and dysfunctional occlusal relationships and masticatory function and dysfunction.

Monday, 27 August 2012

New books received this week

Dental management of the medically compromised patient / James W. Little. 8th ed., St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Mosby, 2013.

Learn how common medical conditions can affect the course of the dental treatment a patient receives. This updated, concise reference provides the information you need to provide appropriate dental care to any patient, regardless of existing medical conditions. Featuring vivid illustrations and well-organized tables in each chapter, this text gives you the in-depth details and the overall summaries you need to get to the root of your patients' needs.

Atlas of oral and maxillofacial histopathology / Harry S. Lumerman. Philadelphia, Pa.: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.

A quick, user-friendly diagnostic reference text on Oral and Maxillofacial Histopathology for general pathologists, dermatopathologists, and ENT pathologists regarding oral and maxillofacial disorders. Comprised of six compact chapters, the Atlas contains the most common as well as unusual entities that are submitted by surgeons working in this anatomic area.

Fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics / Herbert T. Shillingburg. 4th ed., Hanover Park, IL: Quintessence Pub., 2012.

The 4th edition of this popular text has been updated and expanded to reflect new research, materials, and techniques in fixed prosthodontics, with the addition of more than 350 new illustrations and three new chapters on the restoration of implants. It is designed to serve as an introduction to restorative dentistry techniques using fixed partial dentures and cast metal, metal-ceramic, and all-ceramic restorations, providing the background knowledge needed by the novice and serving as a refresher for the practitioner or graduate student.