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Lajos Bordas
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Orthodontics: principles and practice. / Daljit S. Gill (ed). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
This book provides a clear and thorough guide to contemporary orthodontic principles and practice. It covers patient assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning of both standard class malocclusions and specific entities such as impacted teeth, digit sucking habits and asymmetries, as well as appliance techniques, complex and multidisciplinary care, and retention.
Chemicals in surgical periodontal therapy / Alexandrina L. Dumitrescu. Heidelberg: Springer, c2011.
This book is a collection of data from scientific papers and textbooks that form the foundation for a sound understanding of the chemicals used in surgical periodontal therapy.Thieme atlas of anatomy. Head and neuroanatomy / Michael Schuenke. Stuttgart; New York: Thieme, 2010.
Features: An innovative, user-friendly format in which each two-page spread presents a self-contained guide to a specific topic. 1,200 original, full-color illustrations present comprehensive coverage of neuroanatomy to skillfully guide the reader through the anatomy of the head, from cranial bones, ligaments, and joints, to muscles, cranial nerves, topographical anatomy, and the anatomy of sensory organs. The naked tooth: what cosmetic dentists don't want you to know. / Colleen Olitsky. Austin, Tex.: Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2011.
Many people are overwhelmed with the challenges they face when trying to choose both which cosmetic treatment is best for them and who to perform that procedure. They are searching for tips they can use to research both aspects. The Naked Tooth is a simple, yet descriptive book, with excellent photography, which explores the options available to improve your smile.Root and canal morphology of third molar in a Jordanian population / Bani Younis. Saarbrücken: LPA Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011.
This book descibes tooth development and components with classification of canal configurations. Different methods of studying of root canal morphology were illustrated and compared followed by detailed description of root canal morphology of individual teeth with concentration on third molar.
Clinician's handbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery / Daniel M. Laskin (ed). Chicago: Quintessence Pub., 2010.
Designed with the busy clinician in mind, this pocket-sized manual is a reliable reference for practitioners and trainees alike. Revised to reflect the evolution of information on oral and maxillofacial surgery, major additions include a chapter on dental implants and the most recent AHA algorithms for basic and advanced cardiac life support.
Basic guide to dental instruments / Carmen Scheller. 2nd ed., Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
Basic Guide to Dental Instruments provides a working inventory of dental instrumentation in common use in dental surgeries. A clear photograph of each instrument is included, and described according to name, usage, any relevant features and varieties. Each section is dedicated to a specific discipline or division of dentistry. Craig's restorative dental materials / Ronald L. Sakaguchi (ed). 13th ed., Philadelphia: Elsevier/Mosby, 2012.
From fundamental concepts to advanced skills, thhe new edition of this comprehensive text details everything you need to know to understand the scientific basis for selecting dental materials when designing and fabricating restorations.
Diagnostic imaging of the head and neck: MRI with CT & PET correlations. / Anton N. Hasso(ed). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012.
A clinically oriented text on imaging of the head-and-neck, frequently a difficult area for radiology residents and general radiologists to master. Readers will find key diseases highlighted and a guide to differential diagnosis of various conditions. Cellular and molecular immunology / Abul K. Abbas (et al). 7th ed., Philadelphia: Saunders/Elsevier, 2012.
Cellular and Molecular Immunology takes a comprehensive yet straightforward approach to the latest developments in this active and fast-changing field. The authors present sweeping updates in this new edition to cover antigen receptors and signal transduction in immune cells, mucosal and skin immunity, cytokines, leukocyte-endothelial interaction, and more.