Gene links gum & heart disease
A genetic link between dental disease and heart attacks has been found by German researchers, see report at BBC News Health (Accessed on 27th May 2009).
News and views from the University of Sydney Dentistry Library
A genetic link between dental disease and heart attacks has been found by German researchers, see report at BBC News Health (Accessed on 27th May 2009).
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Tips and hints
A sensible, plain English account of the H1N1 swine flu issue by Prof Peter Collingnon in Crickey will be useful to many wanting navigation on this issue. Peter Collignon is an Infectious Diseases Physician and Microbiologist and Professor, School of Clinical Medicine at the Australian National University.
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Lajos Bordas
Labels: Tips and hints
PubMed On Tap 1.3.1 (Mobile) is an application for your iPhone or iPod Touch that lets you search PubMed while on the go. The PubMed on Tap software costs $US 2.99 and can be downloaded from ZDNet
Features: Advanced Search. Specify fields and search mode, using AND, OR, and NOT logic operators. Specify option to find only articles with Full Text or Free Full Text. E-mail the results as formatted text or an RIS tagged record, ready to be imported into reference management applications like Bookends and EndNote. EZproxy support. Link to Full Text articles that open in Safari or Internal Web Browser (requires access privileges). Internal Web Browser. Landscape view. Remember/recall recent searches. Navigation between references in the formatted view. Order full-text copies of articles using Loansome Doc Ordering System [for a fee].
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Tips and hints
Stewart's clinical removable partial prosthodontics / Rodney D. Phoenix, David R. Cagna, Charles F. DeFreest. 4th ed. Hanover Park, IL : Quintessence Pub., c2008.
Description: Provides clear understanding of removable partial denture concepts and procedures. A complete comprehensive guide to removable partial denture design, construction, and placement for students and clinicians.Clinical sedation in dentistry / by N.M. Girdler, C.M. Hill, K. E. Wilson. Chichester, U.K. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
Description: This comprehensive textbook covers the etiology of dental anxiety, patient management techniques, anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, patient assessment and selection, pre-medication and oral sedation, special care dentistry, inhalation and intravenous sedation, complications and emergencies, medico-legal aspects, and advances.Fundamentals of orthognathic surgery / edited by Malcolm Harris and Nigel Hunt. 2nd ed. London : Imperial College Press, c2008.
Description: A comprehensive, but concise illustrated operative manual for surgical and orthodontic consultants and trainees as well as for theatre and ward staff. It also describes in detail the current state of computerised cephalometry and contains up-to-date sections on imaging and surgical planning.
The University Library's Dentistry & Oral Health Subject Guide contains a list of introductory level epidemiology and biostatistics e-books which you can access 24/7 when you need help with interpreting and critically appraising the dental literarture. Click the "Statistics" tab on the far right. Use the online dictionaries for definitions and look up the books for more detailed information.
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Tips and hints
Evidence-based dentistry: an introduction./ Allan K. Hackshaw, Elizabeth A. Paul, Elizabeth S. Davenport. Oxford : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006.
Description: It is a ground-level book for those seeking to understand evidence-based dentistry and its significance for clinical practice. The majority of the chapters offer guidance on interpreting a full published paper where both the subject of the paper and the study design is of relevance.
Please note: This book is also available in full text online.
Longevity logic: empowered health defense. / by Robert L. Chacona. [United States] : Longevity Logic, c2008.
Description: Emphasizing fundamental interrelationships between oral health and general health, this book will extend one's knowledge about oral disease and its varied treatments. It is a book for dental consumers aimed at helping them making decisions prior to dental visits. Basic guide to infection prevention and control in dentistry. / Caroline L. Pankhurst and Wilson A. Coulter. Chichester, West Sussex ; Ames, Iowa : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
Description: Offers clear explanations of the key issues and concepts, an orientation of the evidence base and legal framework as well as providing a step-by-step guide to the safe running of a dental practice.
OPINION | April 27, 2009
Op-Ed Contributor: End the University as We Know It By MARK C. TAYLOR
If higher education is to thrive, colleges and universities, like Wall Street and Detroit, must be rigorously regulated and completely restructured
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Tips and hints
DynaMed is a point-of-care reference resource designed to provide clinicians with the best available evidence to support clinical decision-making. DynaMed is part of the suite of medical products owned and provided by EBSCO Publishing and is updated daily by monitoring medical literature sources.
Due to the recent global outbreak of Swine Influenza, EBSCO Publishing and the DynaMed Editors have made DynaMed’s information about Swine Influenza free to health care providers and institutions throughout the world. The DynaMed topic on Swine Influenza consolidates information from multiple sources for health care providers to stay current with recommendations for monitoring, diagnosing, and treating patients with flu-like illnesses during this outbreak. DynaMed Editors will continue to monitor information and update this topic as needed throughout this global crisis. Please click on the following link for information regarding Swine Influenza:
Posted by
Lajos Bordas
Labels: Tips and hints