Monday, 30 July 2007

The Internet for Dentistry and Oral Health

Searching the Internet for dental or oral health information may seem fairly straightforward these days, but there are very few high quality resources available out there that can teach you how to do it well. The Internet for Dentistry and Oral Health by Intute is one such resource, and although it has a UK bias in the links to the sites it provides, it teaches you how to search and use the Internet in a logical and intuitive manner. The tutorial is divided into 4 sections:

  1. The Tour - guides you to key websites in dentistry in the UK, and provides you with a quick quiz so that you can test your knowledge of the Internet.
  2. Discover - How to search the Internet for different types of information, compare search tools, try some test searches to see how the search engines differ, and most importantly, some useful tips for creating a good search strategy.
  3. Judge - the good and the bad on the Internet, plus it provides you with a set of criteria to evaluate web pages, and a quick quiz to test you on what's good and bad.
  4. Success - Practical examples of how people have searched the Internet successfully, and what their search strategies were.
One of its handiest features is the link basket, which allows you to collect links to the various websites listed on the tutorial. By completing all of the individual sections of the tutorial you have the basics of a very good list of of online dental resources.

The Internet for Dentistry and Oral Health is a good site to recommend to your students if you want to them to use the Internet to it's potential, and a good one for you if you want to refresh your own knowledge of what's available in dentistry.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

MDConsult Dental collection

Early in 2007 the Library obtained subscriptions to eight textbooks in the MDConsult Dental Collection:

Aschheim, KW, Dale, BG, 2001, Esthetic dentistry : a clinical approach to techniques & materials,
2nd edn, Mosby, St. Louis.

Cohen, S, Hargreaves, KM & Keiser, KDDS 2006, Pathways of the pulp,
9th edn, Elsevier Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.

Dionne, R, Phero, JC & Becker, DE 2002, Management of pain & anxiety in the dental office,
Saunders, Philadelphia.

Gage, TW & Pickett, FA 2005, Mosby's dental drug reference,
7th edn, Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.

Little, JW 2002, Dental management of the medically compromised patient,
6th edn, Mosby, St. Louis.

Regezi, JA, Sciubba, JJ & Jordan, RCK 2003, Oral pathology: clinical pathologic correlations, 4th edn, Saunders, St. Louis, Mo.

Stefanac, SJ & Nesbit, SP 2007, Treatment planning in dentistry, 2nd edn, Mosby/Elsevier, St. Louis, Mo.

Weiss, C 2001, Principles and practice of implant dentistry, Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.

You can access these by searching the Library Catalogue, but did you know that you can search MDConsult itself to get access to the information in these texts and more?

For example, if you do a search for mouthwashes and gingivitis you will retrieve six references from First Consult, four references from textbooks in the MDConsult collection, sixty-six results from a Medline search, seven articles from the Clinics series, as well as five references to patient education information. It is also possible to retrieve drug information, images, and clinical guidelines, depending on your topic. It's a great resource for getting an overview of a topic area in a PBL situation - try it today!

[MDConsult can be accessed via the Library Catalogue, or via the Databases and Electronic Resources page on the Library website]

Thursday, 12 July 2007

How do I demonstrate quality and impact for the RQF?

The RQF is upon the University, and to help you find out how you can demonstrate the quality of your research and its impact upon the community the Library is holding a number of information sessions.

For Faculty based out at Westmead an information session will be held on Thursday the 19th of July from 12-1 at the Health Sciences Campus, room E101 (Health Sciences Campus Map). Two further sessions will be held in the Fisher Library Conference room, on Tuesday the 24th and Friday the 27th of July. For more information go to the Library RQF home.

Contact me if you have any questions. If you are a Panel or Group leader contact your Panel Liaison Librarian.

Monday, 9 July 2007

Dentistry Library New books Received June '07

32 items were added to the Dentistry Library collection in June. Go to the New Titles List for June to find out more.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

New Publications by University of Sydney Faculty of Dentistry Staff and Students

The following paper has been added to PubMed in the last 30 days:

Chutimanutskul, W, Geenty, JP, Shen, G & Darendeliler, MA 2007, 'Validity and reliability of ear landmarks as reference points for cephalometric analysis', World Journal of Orthodontics, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 122-8.