Thursday 1 September 2011

New e-books

Periodontal-restorative interrelationships: ensuring clinical success./ Paul A. Fugazzotto. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.

This book provides guidelines for comprehensive treatment planning, and features step-by-step clinical instruction for periodontal and restorative procedures from beginning to end. It fosters better understanding and increased efficiencies between specialties, resulting in shorter treatment times and consistently better therapeutic outcomes.

Amelogenins: multifaceted proteins for dental and bone formation and repair./ Goldberg, Michael. Oak Park, Ill.: Bentham Books, 2010.

This e-book bridges the gap between advances in science and clinical practice in odontology. It aims to serve as a bridge between basic biology and biomaterial sciences, and to inform clinicians about the implications of recent advances within these fields for clinical practice.

Diagnosis of oral cancer and potentially malignant oral lesions: clinician's guide./ A. Ross Kerr. Edmonds, WA: American Academy of Oral Medicine, 2010.

This monograph is intended as a quick reference guide to the early detection and management of oral cancer and potentially malignant lesions or conditions. In addition, this monograph discusses aspects of the diagnosis of malignant and potentially malignant facial skin lesions, how to differentiate them from benign lesions, and proper ways to refer patients to the appropriate specialist.