Monday 23 May 2011

Expand Role of New Oral Health Professionals: IOM Report

A recently released Institute of Medicine report called "Advancing Oral Health in America" faults the US government for inconsistent efforts to address oral health. "For decades, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has shown a fluctuating commitment to making oral health a national priority," the report says. "Today, oral diseases remain prevalent across the country, especially in vulnerable and underserved populations." The report divided its findings into the following recommendations:

•A new oral health leader for an oral health initiative;
•More evidence-based preventive services;
•More public education about oral health, especially preventing disease;
•More training for oral health professionals, especially about cultural issues;
•Research into compensation for oral healthcare through Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program;
•Better sharing of data about oral healthcare among agencies; and
•Annual reporting on the progress of the new oral health initiative by HHS agency heads.

Click here to read the report online for free.